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Rubio Commemorates 20th Anniversary Of Cuban Regime’s Shoot-Down Of Brothers To The Rescue

Feb 24, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today commemorated the 20th anniversary of the Cuban regime’s shoot-down of two Brothers to the Rescue planes carrying American humanitarians:
“Twenty years ago, then-General Raul Castro ordered military jet fighters to shoot down two civilian planes over international waters, carrying three American citizens and a permanent resident of the United States. Today, we pause to remember Mario De La Pena, Pablo Morales, Carlos Costa and Armando Alejandre, Jr., whose unarmed Cessna planes were pulverized by missiles shot out of Cuban MiG fighter jets.
“One of the most chilling things I have ever heard in my life is the audio recording of the regime pilots begging for orders to kill these men and then celebrating their takedown. The pilots were part of the Brothers to the Rescue, a group of volunteer pilots that flew humanitarian missions over the Florida Straits to offer life-saving assistance to those fleeing Cuba’s dictatorship.
“The murder of these Americans was a gross violation of U.S. law for which justice has not been served. It also stresses the long history of brutality by the Castro regime. It’s unforgivable that President Obama will visit Cuba next month as part of a legacy campaign that has only rewarded the Cuban dictatorship, while the repression of the Cuban people has simultaneously intensified.”