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English/Español: Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Formulate U.S Response to a Potential Taiwan Invasion

Mar 29, 2023 | Press Releases

General Secretary Xi Jinping has ordered the People’s Liberation Army, the military wing of the Chinese Communist Party, to be prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027. This would inflict devastating consequences on our allies and U.S. service members in the region, as well as our nation. However, the U.S. has yet to formulate a clear strategy to protect our economy and significantly strengthen our partners in the region as a deterrent to inflict maximum consequences on the CCP in the event of such an act of aggression. 

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced the Taiwan Protection and National Resilience Act. The bipartisan and bicameral proposal would require the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Commerce, the Department of State, and other federal agencies to report to Congress on the United States’ non-kinetic options to both prepare for and respond to a CCP attack on Taiwan, including opportunities to sanction the CCP and preempt Beijing’s retaliatory measures. 

  • “The threat of a reckless blockade or invasion of Taiwan from the CCP is real and one that both the U.S. and our international allies must be prepared for. At a time when our nation’s reliance on China’s genocidal regime leaves us hostage to Beijing’s leverage, we must develop a strategy to respond to the CCP’s hostile acts.” – Senator Rubio

  • “The U.S.-Taiwan relationship is critical and we must protect against malign actors like the Chinese government that threaten the sovereignty of other nations – especially amid Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine. While efforts to deter aggression are essential, this bipartisan bill would help ensure we are prepared for and would be ready to respond in the event the Chinese government violates Taiwan’s sovereignty.” – Senator Peters

U.S. Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) will introduce companion legislation in the House.

  • “Now more than ever, we need to stand by the free people of democratic Taiwan. Planning today for tomorrow’s contingencies—including the threat of an invasion from Communist China—makes them less likely to occur. This legislation combines preparedness with resolve in calling for strategies to counter any offensive gambit by Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party and to squeeze their ability to conduct military operations against the free people of Taiwan.”– Congressman Smith

  • “America must be prepared to stand up to an opportunistic Chinese regime that is learning the wrong lessons from Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine. By showing the Chinese Communist Party that Democrats and Republicans are working in lockstep to ensure our military is prepared, this bill will deter future aggression and protect Taiwan’s liberty for generations to come.”– Congressman Schneider

Background. The bill would require the DoD, in collaboration with the Intelligence Community and the Departments of Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security, to outline an effective sanctions strategy against the People’s Republic of China in the event of an aggression against Taiwan. The strategy would also examine the effect of an invasion on the United States and identify the steps necessary to preemptively mitigate national vulnerabilities, including by making recommendations to strengthen economic resilience. 


El Secretario General Xi Jinping ha ordenado al Ejército Popular de Liberación, el ala militar del Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh, por sus siglas en español) para que se preparen a invadir Taiwán para el 2027. Esto tendría consecuencias devastadoras para nuestros aliados y miembros del servicio militar de EE.UU. en la región, así como nuestra nación. Sin embargo, EE.UU. aún tiene que formular una estrategia clara para proteger nuestra economía y fortalecer significativamente a nuestros socios en la región como un elemento disuasorio para infligir las mayores consecuencias al PCCh en caso de tal acto de agresión.

Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Gary Peters (D-MI) presentaron el proyecto de Ley de Protección y Resiliencia Nacional de Taiwán. La propuesta bipartidista y bicameral requeriría que el Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. (DoD, por sus siglas en español), el Departamento de Comercio, el Departamento de Estado y otras agencias federales le informen al Congreso sobre las políticas no cinéticas de EE.UU. para prepararse y responder a un ataque del PCCh a Taiwán, incluyendo las oportunidades para sancionar al PCCh y adelantarse a las medidas de represalia de Pekín.

  • “La amenaza de un bloqueo o una invasión de Taiwán por parte del PCCh es real, es algo para lo que tanto EE.UU. como nuestros aliados internacionales deben estar preparados. En un momento en que la dependencia de nuestra nación del régimen genocida de China nos deja como rehenes de la influencia de Beijing, debemos desarrollar una estrategia para responder a los actos hostiles del PCCh”. – Senador Rubio

Los Representantes Chris Smith (R-NJ) y Brad Schneider (D-IL) presentarán la medida complementaria en la Cámara de Representantes. 

Detalles. El proyecto de ley requeriría que el Departamento de Defensa, en colaboración con la Comunidad de Inteligencia y los Departamentos del Tesoro, Comercio y Homeland Security, hagan una estrategia de sanciones efectiva contra la República Popular China en caso de una agresión contra Taiwán. La estrategia también examinará el efecto de una invasión en EE.UU. e identificaría los pasos necesarios para mitigar de manera preventiva las vulnerabilidades nacionales, incluso haciendo recomendaciones para fortalecer la resiliencia económica.