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Rubio, Cohen Urge Congress To Pay Attention To GMF

Jul 8, 2016 | News

WASHINGTON — Two lawmakers have officially sent a joint letter to members of the House Appropriations Committee and Transportation, Housing and Related Agencies Subcommittee urging them to pay more attention to the troubled non-profit, Global Ministries Foundation.


In the letter, Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Steve Cohen asked they support H.R. 2577, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which was already passed by the Senate and recommended by Rubio.


The amendments would shorten the required response time after a company is cited with a violation, and give temporary location assistance to residents at Section 8 based properties.


“The current system does not allow tenant protection vouchers to be available if the property is under review,” the letter said. “Making relocation assistance available when there are clear risks to the residents’ health is a big step to making sure that if these situations arise, residents are not harmed.”



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