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Rubio, Blumenthal Introduce Bill to Sanction Enablers of Palestinian Terrorist Groups

Oct 23, 2019 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2019 (S. 2680), bipartisan legislation to impose sanctions against foreign individual, entities, and governments that provide support to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian terrorist groups. This bill also requires the President to submit to Congress an assessment of whether critical foreign countries are doing enough to counter the fundraising, financing and money laundering activities of Palestinian terrorist groups.
“It’s long overdue for the United States to hold accountable foreign nationals and governments who are actively providing material support to Palestinian terrorist groups,” Rubio said. “This bipartisan bill would impose sanctions against foreign enablers of Palestinian terrorism. I am proud to join Senator Blumenthal in working to keep America, Israel, and our other allies safe from threats.”

“This legislation would authorize and enforce key sanctions to choke the financial sources that support terrorist activity,” Blumenthal said. “I look forward to continue bipartisan efforts to prevent terrorism globally, and ensure security for our allies in the Middle East.”     
U.S. Representative Brian Mast (R-FL) introduced companion legislation in the House.
