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Rubio, Blackburn Ask GAO for Transparency of Federal Dollars Supporting Abortion Industry

May 13, 2019 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and 121 Members of Congress in requesting a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report detailing the amount of federal funding Planned Parenthood receives, in addition to several other domestic and international abortion providers.
Members from both Chambers requested federal funding information for FY2016 – 2018 for: (1) Planned Parenthood Federation of America; (2) International Planned Parenthood Federation; (3) Marie Stopes International; and (4) four additional abortion provider networks in the United States.
The letter requests detailed statistics on the number of people served, types of visits provided, and preventative services provided through Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) — centers which provide comprehensive life-affirming care to women and children that excludes abortion. There are over 13,500 FQHCs nationwide — 20 FQHCs for every one Planned Parenthood clinic.
The full text of the letter is below.
Dear Mr. Dodaro,
We are writing to request updated information on federal funding for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Marie Stopes International. We are also requesting similar data on several networks of abortion providers more localized than Planned Parenthood clinics and their affiliates, but still significant providers of abortion and reproductive health. Lastly, we are requesting updated information on Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).
Proper oversight of public funds and programs is crucial for determining the value of the goods and services provided to and funded by the American taxpayer. The information sought in this inquiry is instrumental for policymakers and the public alike. It is our hope that we can work closely with you on this report to provide greater insight as Congress considers funding levels, and to provide transparency and openness for our constituencies and the general public.
At the request of Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a report dated March 6, 2018, on federal funds for certain organizations involved in health related activities for fiscal years 2013-2015. Prior to that, the GAO prepared a report dated March 20, 2015, governing fiscal years 2010-2012. We respectfully request an update to these reports for fiscal years 2016-2018, the most recent fiscal years with available data.
Accordingly, for fiscal years 2016-2018, please identify the following:
For the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (including affiliates):

  • The amount of federal obligations and disbursements to and the expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year;
  • The federal agencies’ (such as the Administration for Children & Families and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that Planned Parenthood may provide) funding sources (e.g. block grants), and programs associated with these federal funds (including Medicaid and Title X);
  • How these funds were made available (e.g. direct or pass-through funding).

For the International Planned Parenthood Federation (including affiliates) and Marie Stopes International (including affiliates):

  • The amount of federal obligations and disbursements to and expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year;
  • The federal agencies’ (such as the United States Agency for International Development, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that the groups in question may provide) funding sources, and programs associated with these federal funds (including funding provided by USAID missions);
  • How these funds were made available (e.g. direct or pass-through funding).

For the following specified, domestic abortion providers (including affiliates):

  • The amount of federal obligations and disbursements to and expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year;
  • The federal agencies’ (such as the Administration for Children & Families and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that any of these clinics may provide) funding sources (e.g. block grants), and programs associated with these federal funds (including Medicaid and Title X);
  • How these funds were made available (e.g. direct or pass-through funding).

Specified, domestic abortion providers:

  1. Family Planning Associates;
  2. American Women’s Services;
  3. All Women’s Health Center;
  4. Whole Woman’s Health.

We respectfully request that your report also include information about Federally Qualified Health Centers. We seek detailed statistics on the number of individuals served, the types of visits provided, the preventative services provided, and the amount of federal funding allocated to FQHCs in 2016-2018.
We sincerely hope that this report will be completed in a timely manner and request a projection of its expected completion. Thank you for your attention to this request.