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Rubio Asks Constituents To Share Their Stories Of ObamaCare Problems

Oct 30, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued a call to Floridians to share their stories regarding problems they have experienced so far during ObamaCare’s implementation – particularly notices from health insurance providers letting them know their plans are no longer available, shocking premium increases, losing access to their current doctors, and struggles with the exchange websites. Rubio is encouraging constituents to share their stories via Rubio’s official website,

“Behind ObamaCare’s numbers and statistics are real people that are being hurt by this law’s early failures and broken promises, and we need to tell their stories,” said Rubio.  “While I continue to pursue common sense relief for the people being impacted by ObamaCare’s website failures, rising costs and loss of health plans, their real world accounts must be shared far and wide because they remind us of the urgency to help people right away. 

“I urge Floridians to share their stories with me and make crystal clear that ObamaCare’s problems aren’t talking points cooked up by political parties or in some think tank,” added Rubio.  “They are real, they are hurting people and they are breaking all kinds of promises that were made to get ObamaCare passed.”

New investigative news reports confirm that not only are millions of Americans projected to lose their current health insurance, but that the Obama Administration has known for three years that this would happen, despite President Obama’s promise that “if you liked your [health insurance] plan, you can keep it”. In addition, since their planned launch on October 1, ObamaCare’s websites have been riddled by technical failures that have left many Americans frustrated and empty-handed when it comes to meeting the requirement that they buy health insurance by January 1 or face new tax penalties.

Rubio will use the stories submitted by constituents to offer further fixes to the flawed ObamaCare program.