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Rubio Applauds Ban on Federal Procurement Of Huawei, Urges More Action to Defend U.S. National and Economic Security

Aug 8, 2019 | Press Releases

Miami, FL — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued a statement as a new interim rule, which bans U.S. government agencies from purchasing equipment from Huawei and other specified Chinese companies, enters into effect on August 13, 2019. The interim rule is pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act’s prohibition against the federal government’s procurement of telecommunications equipment, video surveillance equipment, and services of five Chinese companies, including Huawei. In June, Rubio warned the administration against using Huawei as a bargaining chip in trade negotiations.

“We must be clear-eyed about the real and long-term risks posed by Huawei and other Chinese state-directed companies. Securing our nation’s telecommunications and critical infrastructure from foreign adversaries is a critical priority for our country and the American people,” Rubio said. “Beyond fully and faithfully executing the laws passed by Congress, the Executive Branch must work with Congress to do much more to defend America’s national and economic security from the Chinese government and Communist Party’s threats — including keeping Huawei on the Entity List and not watering down enforcement through sweetheart licenses allowing the U.S. tech sector to export to and build up Huawei.”
