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Rubio Answers Constituents’ Questions On Immigration, Boston Attack & Internet Sales Tax

Apr 26, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – In today’s installment of Marco’s Constituent Mail Box video series, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) responds to letters from Florida constituents concerned about our immigration system, America’s national security in light of the Boston terrorist attack, and the Marketplace Fairness Act.

In the first two letters, Ros in Melbourne and Allan in Vero Beach expressed concern with what is being done to fix our broken immigration system. Ros asked Rubio to work with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) federal agency to ensure that we secure our border and Allan asked for simple solutions to major immigration problems such as border security and guest workers.  

Since the immigration legislation was introduced, Rubio has received over 1,100 suggestions for how to improve the bill.  Rubio encourages the public to continue reviewing the bill and sharing their ideas on ways to make the bill better when the time comes to amend the legislation. Visit our website and submit your ideas to “Help Us Improve The Bill.”

This week’s third letter came from Dylan in Stuart who was alarmed by the bombing in Boston and the explosion in Texas. Dylan asked Rubio what he thought we could do to improve our national defense against terrorists. This week’s final letter came from Glen in St. John who is against the Marketplace Fairness Act which Rubio also opposed on the Senate floor this week.

View Rubio’s video response here.  For television stations interested in airing today’s response, a broadcast quality video is available here.

Each week, Rubio receives thousands of letters, emails and phone calls from Floridians voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Rubio regularly responds to a selection of constituent letters on various topics.