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Puerto Rico Task Force Member Rubio Meets with Island’s Governor

Sep 15, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today met with Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro García Padilla to discuss congressional efforts to combat the Zika virus, strengthen the Puerto Rican economy, and other issues affecting the four million U.S. citizens who live on the island.
“As a member of the Puerto Rico Economic Growth Task Force, I appreciated Governor Padilla’s visit to discuss Puerto Rico’s ongoing economic challenges,” said Rubio. “As I’ve said before, Congress has a role to play in clearing the way for Puerto Rico’s economy to begin growing again, but the lion’s share of the work will entail tough decisions by Puerto Rican leaders who will ultimately be responsible for returning the island to fiscal stability and prosperity.
“There is no other group of American citizens being hurt more by the Zika virus than those who live in Puerto Rico, and I reiterated to Governor Padilla my ongoing commitment to give a voice to the island here in the Senate, especially as it relates to this health crisis,” added Rubio. “Congress needs to pass anti-Zika funding immediately.”
Yesterday, Rubio and Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) introduced the Territory Health Insurance Tax Relief Act, which would provide relief to the U.S. territories where the annual fee on health insurance providers is imposed without regard to the way they are treated under other provisions of the law.
In July, Rubio was named to the Congressional Puerto Rico Economic Growth Task Force, whose mission is to write a report by December 31, 2016, that identifies impediments to growth and recommends changes to: promote long-term economic growth and stability; spur new job creation; reduce child poverty; and attract investment in the territory.
Note: Photo below courtesy of the office of Senator Marco Rubio.