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Rubio Habla con Telemundo Miami

El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) habló en exclusiva con Gloria Ordaz de Telemundo Miami sobre el segundo intento de asesinato contra el ex-presidente Donald Trump.  Una transcripción de cortesía, levemente editada está a continuación. Vea la...

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Rubio Introduces Bill to Prevent China from Exploiting American Small Business Programs

Jun 27, 2018 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. –  U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and U.S. Representative Chris Collins (R-NY) today introduced the Denying Chinese Investors Access to U.S. Small Business Aid Act, a bill that would prevent businesses owned by citizens of the People’s Republic of China from accessing all assistance offered by the Small Business Administration (SBA).
“Chinese companies are abusing our current system to exploit American small business programs, which are taxpayer subsidized and were created to help spur American ingenuity and boost small businesses,” Rubio said. “This bill will ensure that our tax dollars aren’t going overseas to China, our biggest economic competitor.”
Current law permits SBA to provide assistance to qualifying small businesses who legally operate in the United States, allowing Chinese-owned businesses to obtain a federally guaranteed loan, surety bond, research and development grant, or disaster loan, among other SBA programs.
The Denying Chinese Investors Access to U.S. Small Business Aid would prohibit SBA benefits from being awarded to businesses headquartered in China. Under this bill, those China based businesses with operations in the United States or those with at least 25 percent of their voting stock owned by Chinese investors will no longer be able to benefit.
This morning, Rubio appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss balancing trade with China and multinational corporations that put their profits ahead of American national security.