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PHOTO RELEASE: Rubio Commends Panama’s Response To Venezuela Crisis During Visit With Foreign Minister

Apr 9, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) met with Foreign Minister of Panama Francisco Álvarez de Soto on Tuesday evening to discuss the ongoing political crisis in Venezuela, its negative consequences for the hemisphere, and Panama’s efforts to ensure that inclusive organizations, such as the Organization of American States, continue to be the hemisphere’s main forum to address issues of regional interest.

Rubio and Álvarez de Soto discussed their shared concern over the violence plaguing Venezuela, as well as the need for Panama to continue on a democratic path where government institutions operate without political interference.

“I commend the Panamanian government for courageously standing with the people of Venezuela, for the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and against the brutal repression of peaceful demonstrators in Venezuela,” Rubio said. “For over two months, tens of thousands of Venezuelans have risked their lives to demand a more democratic and hopeful future for their country. President Maduro has met their legitimate demands with bullets, torture and unjust incarcerations.

“Venezuela has become an authoritarian military regime right before our eyes, but shamefully, most countries in the region have chosen to either look the other way or to gloss over the brutality inflicted by the Maduro regime on the Venezuelan people,” Rubio added. “The United States’ support is important, and I am proud that Panama has taken a strong interest and leadership role to find a legitimately inclusive solution to the political crisis affecting Venezuela.”

Below are photos from Rubio’s meeting with Álvarez de Soto (the pictures can be viewed in higher quality here):

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4.9.2014 Panama 2

4.9.2014 Panama 3

Note: All photos can be credited to the office of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.