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On CBS’s “Early Show,” Senator Marco Rubio Talks About Bipartisan Syria Resolution

May 11, 2011 | Blog

Rubio: The U.S. Should Be The Leading Voice Condemning Violence In Syria

News’ Erica Hill:

“I do want to get to the subject of Syria, though, now, because I know you’ve
been very outspoken on the situation there. Obviously so many Americans have
been following very closely the events in the Middle East at this point. You’re
putting forth a resolution with Senator Lieberman …
How, though, does that stop this regime from turning weapons on its own people?
Is that enough?”


“Well, a couple of things: The United States should be the leading voice in the
world condemning what’s happening in Syria. We should make it very clear whose
side we’re on, and we’re on the side of the Syrian people. The second thing we
need to clearly point out, and I hope the president is headed towards doing
that, and that is saying that the Assad regime is no longer a legitimate one.
Any time a government has to use government forces and army forces to kill
unarmed civilians in order to hold on to power, that makes them illegitimate,
and that’s what’s happening in Syria. And I hope the United States will be a
clear voice saying that.”

Rubio: The Administration Needs To Get More Involved In Syria

Hill: “When do you see
further action happening?”

Senator Rubio: “In terms of the U.S. position? I don’t know –
I hope as soon as possible. Here in the Senate, I hope we’ll begin today by
filing this resolution that will be bipartisan, it will have widespread support
I hope in this chamber here, and I hope there will be a companion filed in the
House, and I hope the administration will follow suit. What we’re hoping is
that the administration will get more engaged on this issue. They’ve taken some
measures already. The resolution recognizes that and commends them for doing
that. But we’re asking the administration to do more, to make sure the United
States is the leading voice in the world condemning what’s happening in Syria.”