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The 21st Century Conservative Agenda Is Here. Look Out.

Apr 8, 2015 | News

The conservative wonkternet has been abuzz with a speech Florida Senator and likely Presidential contender Marco Rubio gave this week at Hillsdale College, sponsored by the YG Network. And rightly so.

For a number of years now, a group of conservative writers realized that while conservative principles are timeless, the Republican Party and the conservative movement were trying to apply them to the problems of the 1970s and not the problems of the 21st century. As a result, the Republican Party lost touch with the middle and working-class Americans who built Reagan and Gingrich’s majorities and, in office, lurched between spineless special-interest pandering and pie-in-the-sky, going-nowhere incantations. These writers made the GOP the party of ideas again.

More importantly, they have created an opportunity for entrepreneurial GOP politicians to distinguish themselves by promoting a new agenda, just like the supply-siders and the domestic-policy neoconservatives did in the ’70s. This speech by Marco Rubio, which embraces the reform conservative agenda, puts him at the intellectual forefront of the GOP

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