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Marco Rubio Demands Obama Admin Disclose All Sources of Planned Parenthood Funding

Mar 11, 2016 | News

… Marco Rubio… today demanded information from the Obama administration on all of various ways it funds the nation’s biggest abortion business.
On average, Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year.
The report found the Planned Parenthood abortion corporation and its affiliates received $344.5 million in federal funds and another $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid (which includes a combination of federal and state funds) for a total of $1.5 billion over three years from federal programs. The abortion giant receives $1.2 billion from Medicaid, $201 million from the Title X family planning program $40.6 million from Title XX Social Services block grants and $25.9 million from the Title V Maternal and Child health Services block grant.
In order to stop the funding to the abortion company, lawmakers first need to have an understanding of every potential source of funding the abortion corporation currently receives from the federal government. To that end, Senator Rubio today joined with 123 members of Congress to demand the Obama Administration provide a detailed explanation of the federal funding of organizations that promote or perform abortions, notably Planned Parenthood and its affiliates.
The lawmakers also called for an evaluation of funding for two non-governmental organizations that provide abortions and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), which do not perform abortions but are forced to compete with Planned Parenthood for limited taxpayer dollars.

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