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ICYMI: Senators Coons And Rubio Team Up To Promote The AGREE Act

Nov 16, 2011 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Over the past two days, U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D, DE) and Marco Rubio (R, FL) have teamed up for a series of cable interviews to promote The American Growth, Recovery, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Act, or AGREE Act. Excerpts and videos of the full interviews are available below:

Interview with CNN’s “The Situation Room”
Senator Chris Coons and Senator Marco Rubio
November 15, 2011

RUBIO: “There’s plenty to fight over. There’s plenty of disagreement on other issues.  I don’t think there is any shortage of that.  That’s why we have elections. But these are the things we agree on, that there’s broad bipartisan support. We should pass it because the people deserve us to be working for them.”


Interview with CNBC’s “Kudlow Report”
Senator Chris Coons and Senator Marco Rubio
November 15, 2011

RUBIO: “I will work with anybody – Republican, Democrat, Independent – who is serious about helping to grow our economy and create jobs. And we found a willing partner here with Senator Coons and we hope in a lot of other people.”


Interview with FOX’s “Hannity”
Senator Marco Rubio
November 15, 2011

RUBIO: “I have sat down with a Democrat, with Senator Coons of Delaware, and we have identified all the things that Republicans and Democrats have in common in their jobs plans and our ideas.  Let’s pass those things and then we will have an election about the other things. There are some big issues that we disagree on, and that’s what this election is going to have to be decided on. But there are things we could be doing to help veterans, to help with job creation and we should get those things done.  And then let’s have an election.”


Interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”
Senator Chris Coons and Senator Marco Rubio
November 16, 2011

RUBIO: “We sat down, took the different plans, the President’s plan, the Democrat’s plan, the Republican plan, and identified things that were in all three plans or things that had been filed in a bipartisan way and kind of assembled them into one piece of legislation. I think what we’re saying is let’s pass the things we agree on and let’s have an election about the things we don’t agree on. But we can’t just sit around for another 12 months and bicker. We’ve got to get some progress done.”


Interview on CNN’s “American Morning”
Senator Chris Coons and Senator Marco Rubio
November 16, 2011

RUBIO: “I know people who have been out of work for a year.  They are hurting, and they are looking at us and saying, ‘Can you guys do anything?’  And they pay us every two weeks to do this job.  We are not volunteers.  This is our job, and we need to deliver. Now these are the things that we can get done, and I think three things will happen. Number one, these are meaningful policies, especially for the small businesses, that will be helped by some of these measures that we are talking about. Number two is that hopefully people will look around and say, ‘That didn’t hurt too much, what else can we work on together?’ And number three, we hope it will send a message back home that finally some good news is coming out of Washington.”


Interview on Telemundo’s “Levántate”
Senator Marco Rubio
November 16, 2011


Interview with FOX’s “Cavuto”
Senator Chris Coons and Senator Marco Rubio
November 16, 2011