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Senator Rubio Talks About New Legislation To Save Seniors Time And Money On Their Taxes

May 18, 2011 | Blog

Rubio:  Senior Tax Simplification Bill Will Save Seniors Time And Money


“You and Senator Bill Nelson may not agree on too many things, but you’ve
gotten together on a new piece of legislation that relates to taxes and our
seniors in Florida. What can you tell us about this ‘Senior Tax Simplification’


“Well, I think we need tax simplification for everybody on multiple fronts, but
I think starting with seniors is a way we can get a lot of consensus. And what
it basically is is it’s just going to make it easier for seniors to do their
taxes. It’s a more simplified form. It will be easier for seniors that, for
example, get some of their retirement income from their investments, to fill
out that portion of their taxes. We’re just trying to make life a little bit
easier for seniors.  And so, we’ve filed a bill today that will change the
1040 form for those over 65 so that they can follow a more expedited and simple
process, and they won’t need to hire an accountant. It will save them that
money, and it will save them the time and hassle of our complicated tax code. I
think I’ll get strong bi-partisan support for it, and hopefully it will become
the law of the country here soon.”