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Rubio, Cardin Applaud Senate Passage of USCIRF

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, is a bipartisan commission that monitors and reports on international religious freedom. The commission’s authorization is currently...

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ICYMI: Rubio: Warren’s ‘Economic Patriotism’ Plan is Incompatible with Radical Progressive Agenda

Jun 6, 2019 | Press Releases

Warren’s ‘economic patriotism’ plan simply not possible with a progressive agenda
By: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
June 6, 2019
Fox News
In the 21st century, we need a new policy that can build the competitive businesses of the future and create high-wage American jobs.
With the release of her plan for “economic patriotism,” Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., appears to agree.

There is just one problem: America’s radical progressive movement is incompatible with an agenda that truly confronts the challenges of our time, such as the rise of China and decline of working-class economic stability.

The idea of real “economic patriotism” does indeed provide the best framework for America to confront these challenges. It requires that we put our nation’s interests first and define those interests as the economic development of American businesses and workers. So far, so good.

But true “economic patriotism” would require making America more productive in essential ways that violate the stated goals of Warren and other progressives. Progressivism requires that today’s Democratic Party mistake cultural fights and upper-middle-class material interest for real productivity. This error reveals itself by leaving out or opposing all sorts of policies that would benefit American workers.

America’s decline on the economic value-chain is not inevitable. It is not due to external forces like automation or globalization, but to our own policy decisions as a nation, which have often prioritized financial over real investment, digital over physical innovation, and foreign over domestic labor.

Warren’s “economic prosperity” plan marks the first attempt by 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to confront the challenges America faces. But her plan is destined to fail. It will never find a home in the modern Democratic Party dominated by identity politics and held hostage by special interests.

Real economic patriotism can and should find a home in a conservative movement that is willing to realign public policy to prioritize the long-term health and prosperity of our nation. 

Read the rest here.