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ICYMI: Rubio: Taliban Prisoner Release Sets Dangerous Precedent For The Future

Jun 9, 2014 | Press Releases

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
Jacksonville’s WOKV Radio
June 9, 2014

Senator Marco Rubio: “The singular part of it that I want to focus on is the fact that the President has gone ahead and released five extremely dangerous Taliban commanders. I mean, perhaps the five most dangerous Taliban commanders in Guantanamo are now free, and are already planning to be at war against the Unites States fairly soon – as they have said upon arrival, when they arrived in Qatar.”

Rubio: “All five are people that we fully anticipate would return to the battlefield. I mean, these guys aren’t going back home to become stockbrokers, or journalists. I mean, these are hardened Taliban fighters, and this return has been hailed as a victory for the Taliban – has really given them credibility in the region and on the ground as a legitimate government, legitimate military force. And it sets a very dangerous precedent for the future.”