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ICYMI: Rubio Warns of China Shock 2.0

China’s trade manipulations will devastate us—it’s time to fight back U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) September 19, 2024 New York Post Industries reel, companies crumble, and factories close their doors for good…. This could be a description of the original “China...

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ICYMI: Rubio: Public Officials Are Right to Leave American Library Association

Sep 12, 2023 | Press Releases

Public Officials Are Right to Leave the American Library Association

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

September 12, 2023

Daily Wire

[P]rogressive activists are using positions of influence and government resources to push their ideology on the American people. This is especially apparent at the American Library Association (ALA), whose self-described “Marxist” president wants to turn libraries into spaces of “queerness and difference rather than democracy and citizenship.”

As normal and sane people have noticed this trend, they have begun to push back, resulting in a slew of withdrawals from the ALA. This “exodus” isn’t about a “conservative book ban,” no matter what the Associated Press claims. This is about Americans not wanting themselves—or their children—to be subjected to left-wing propaganda….

[T]here is little doubt that the ALA is using federal tax dollars to do its dirty work. Earlier this year, the organization issued guidance to prevent the Christian publishing company Brave Books from hosting events at public libraries…. 

Meanwhile, scandals continue to flow from ALA leadership. On September 2, 2023, President Emily Drabinski…said that libraries “need…to be a site of socialist organizing.” This is insane, even for a progressive organization….

Americans shouldn’t have toxic ideology pushed on them in libraries, just as they shouldn’t have it pushed on them in schools. Unless the ALA apologizes for its appalling behavior and corrects its course immediately, withholding membership dues is probably the sanest thing public officials can do.

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