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ICYMI: Rubio Opposes Budget Deal On “The Kelly File”

Dec 12, 2013 | Press Releases

Rubio: “The fundamental problem that we have here is that we have a government that continues to spend more money than it takes in.”

Senator Marco Rubio
FOX News’ “The Kelly File”
December 11, 2013

Senator Marco Rubio: Unfortunately the budget, what it does is it increases spending by about $60 billion over the next two years. Going above this cap, that by the way Congress imposed on itself, meaning these caps now that they passed in Washington, are meaningless because they come back a year later and go over them. But here’s the problem: It raises it by $60 billion, the spending, but it pays it over ten years. Well, you know how that works. Over the next couple years they’ll forget it, and they will keep borrowing more. The fundamental problem that we have here is that we have a government that continues to spend more money than it takes in. It’s doing so at an alarming pace and our children are going to have to pay for this. Not just our children, many of the people that are around today are going to have to pay. We are going to have a debt crisis in this country. It is going to continue to destroy jobs. It’s going to disrupt the function of our government. It’s going to threaten our national security. When are we going to get serious about dealing with this once and for all?