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ICYMI: Rubio On IRS Scandal: Resignation Appropriate, But Not Nearly Enough

May 16, 2013 | Press Releases

Excerpt of Interview on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd”
Senator Marco Rubio
May 16, 2013
Full Interview:

Rubio: “First of all, I think the resignation is appropriate. I called for that on Monday, but it is just the beginning. It’s not nearly enough. I think there should be prosecutions of individuals that were responsible here in abusing their power. I also think it’s important for the president to be honest about the culture of intimidation that his administration has created here. This is a president that as late as last Monday was in New York City basically saying that he knows there are Republicans that are willing to work with him but they’re afraid of their base, or they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh. Always describing ulterior motives to his opponents, always questioning whether there’s an honest disagreement or not. There’s no honest policy disagreement with this administration, and as a result it has created this culture of intimidation that’s pervasive throughout the White House and the federal government. And I think all of this is a product of that, I really do.”


Excerpts of Interview on FOX News’ “America’s Newsroom”
Senator Marco Rubio
May 16, 2013
Full Interview:

Rubio: “I can’t think of a more powerful agency in the U.S. government than the IRS. It affects every single American. And what it means to get in trouble with the IRS is they can take away your wages, they can take away your home. I mean it’s a very, very powerful agency. And you have people in that agency that deliberately targeted conservatives. Conservatives because they were called the tea party or liberty group or fighting to make the country a better place. It is just an outrage. It’s a crime, an abuse of power is a crime.

Rubio: “I think what he should have said yesterday is in addition to it being outrageous we are – we want the Justice Department to fully investigate this and if this has been done deliberately and there’s a crime here people will be prosecuted no matter what level of the IRS that they’re in. But look, the president doesn’t have clean hands in this because as I said yesterday on the floor of the Senate, this organization of his, this administration has created a culture of intimidation. It’s his campaign, it’s this White House, it’s basically an attempt to muscle anyone who is their political opponent and to use whatever power they have at their disposal to intimidate people who they don’t agree with. So whether it’s the Associated Press, whether it’s witnesses at the State Department or whether it’s using the IRS to go after groups that don’t agree with the Obama Agenda, this is an administration that has created a culture of intimidation through its campaign and through the White House throughout the federal government.”