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ICYMI: Rubio on Fox and Friends

Sep 16, 2020 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox and Friends to discuss the threat of Hurricane Sally, deindustrialization and the need for dignified work, and the cost to small businesses caused by riots. See below for highlights and watch the full interview here

On the threat of Hurricane Sally as it approached Florida’s Gulf Coast: 
“The biggest concern isn’t even the rainfall — you have to add the rainfall to storm surge… We focus a lot on the landfall, but what we forget is that the storm is swirling and it’s pushing, basically, a wall of water on shore. And what we’ve seen now with reports of pretty significant flooding in Pensacola is indicative of both storm surge and then rain on top of that. Water damage is, in many ways, much worse than wind damage. Of course, wind damage does a lot of structural damage — water kills. Flooding kills. it traps people in buildings, it drowns people, it destroys property, but it also kills people. So we have a lot of concern right now about that storm surge.”
On deindustrialization and the need for dignified work: 
“The people that are going to decide this election that happen to be of Hispanic descent, especially in central Florida, these are very hardworking people. And…what they want is what everyone wants. They want to be able to own a home, they want a job that brings dignity, they go to work 40 hours a week, they make decent pay, they have good benefits, their children are able to go to school, graduate, and go on to a better life, and then they can retire with dignity and security. Those are the kinds of jobs we need in America. And those are the kinds of jobs we’ve lost to China. 
“When Joe Biden was Vice President, and for years before that as a Senator, he was a full throated supporter of this idea that let China deindustrialize America. Now he didn’t say it that way, but that’s what he supported, that’s what his record was. As recently as earlier this year during the campaign, he was saying that China was not a threat and not a big deal. So polling obviously tells him now he needs to take this seriously. 
“But when we talk about China it’s not just about China — it’s about the deindustrialization of America and about the loss of the kinds of jobs people can raise families with and fulfill their dreams with… Donald Trump fights for those kinds of jobs and I think that’s what you’re seeing reflected in the polling.”
On the $1 billion cost of riot damages to businesses:
“Here’s the thing that’s missing in that analysis — a disproportionate number of those businesses that were impacted that way were owned by minorities… A lot of these small businesses that were looted or had to close because the streets were unsafe, a lot of them were owned by the very minorities that these rioters allegedly were out there in favor of.
“And look, it’s really important to point out the difference — if somebody wants to go out and hold up a sign and scream and be loud because they are against something that’s happening in our country, whether you agree with them or not, that’s their constitutional right. What you don’t have a right to do is set fires, and attack police stations, and kill people in the streets, and burn down buildings, and loot businesses. And that’s what has happened here. 
“And I think what’s happened too is that some of the people out there that cover this stuff are afraid to call it out because they think they’re going to be accused of condemning the broader movement to racial equality. This is about looters. This is about violence and anarchy in the streets. And it cannot continue.”