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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox & Friends

Apr 27, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox & Friends to discuss woke corporations, reports that Former Secretary of State John Kerry leaked intelligence to Iran, and President Joe Biden’s upcoming address to a Joint Session of Congress. See below for highlights and watch the full interview here.

On reports that Former Secretary of State John Kerry leaked intelligence to Iran: 
That would be a major foreign policy catastrophe for the country if it were revealed to be true. And it’s not clear when exactly he told them about it; was it after he was Secretary of State, was it during the negotiations? 
“But I’ll say this — what happens with a lot of these guys is they fall in love with these deals. The deal becomes more important than the impact the deal’s going to have. Just having that deal, because they believe so much in it, that you’re willing to do things you wouldn’t do under normal circumstances. That happens all the time in life, it happens all the time in politics, unfortunately, but when it happens in something like this that involves national security, it could be very dangerous. 
“I think this is something that needs to be looked at. And the most important thing as well is he’s now part of this administration — he’s got to stick to the climate stuff. We’ve got to be very careful that we don’t have this guy now sticking his nose into any other work happening with Iran, even though I’m not sure that the people working on Iran now would be much better. But you would hope, at a minimum, they wouldn’t be betraying allies.”
On President Joe Biden’s upcoming address to a Joint Session of Congress: 
“I will not be attending, and one of the reasons why is the ticket numbers have been really limited; they’re making people sit in the gallery. It’s interesting — when it came to coming together to impeach Donald Trump for the second time after he was out of office, they put 100 senators in the same room sitting just inches apart for hours at a time over five or six days. Apparently COVID was not an issue then. But now, of course, for something like this we can’t have that many people in the room sitting next to each other. So it’s kind of silly season here.”
On the proper GOP response to woke corporations: 
Our job is to do what is good for the United States of America and the American people. That’s my job. Now, to the extent that some policy, be it tax or regulatory, creates jobs for America, creates an industrial capacity for the country, is good for America — those are the kinds of things that we should be incentivizing and rewarding. But to the extent that something is not good for America, we should not be rewarding it. So we should not have a tax code, for example, that rewards taking jobs out of this country and sending them to another place. We should not have tax policies that reward companies who turn over American industrial capacity and innovation to China or some other place. 
“So it’s not about punishing corporate America. They have a right to speak freely and say whatever they want to say. What we shouldn’t pretend, however, is that they somehow have the best interest of the United States in mind. They consider themselves citizens of the world; they are responsible to their shareholders. But we in public policy — and Republicans included in this, by the way — our number-one constituency is not some multinational corporation, it’s the men and women of this country, it’s the jobs they’re losing that we should be caring about, and the national security of this country that we should be caring about.

“[Corporations] have a right to make any decision they want. What I’m talking about is we should have a tax code that treats everybody fairly, but incentivizes actions by corporate America that are good for Americans. So if you’re going to invest money in this country, if you’re going to bring jobs here, if you’re going to open a factory here, if you’re going to do business activity here that’s good for Americans and American workers, the tax code will incentivize and reward that. If you’re not, you’re going to be treated like everybody else. 
“[The left is] more about punishing, that’s the difference. They want to punish corporations because, frankly, many of them don’t really believe in capitalism. I believe in free enterprise and capitalism, but I believe that our laws and incentives should be built for the common good — should be built to incentivize what is good for America and good for Americans.”