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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox & Friends

Jan 11, 2022 | Press Releases

Washington D.C. —  U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox & Friends to discuss the Democrats’ efforts to federalize elections, his Keep Kids in School Act, and more. See below for highlights and watch the video here


On the Democrats’ efforts to federalize elections:


“Let me say this plainly, and simply, and straightforward. There is no widespread effort to suppress minority voting rights in America. It’s nonexistent. It doesn’t exist and this has nothing to do with it. This has to do with power. 


“This has to do with how [the federal government can nationalize] elections to create election chaos so that our lawyers can get in there after the election and finagle our way to victories of congressional seats, mayors races, state races, governors races, and Senate races. 


“That’s what [the Democrats] want to do, and that’s what this is about. They filed this bill in 2019. They have been pushing for this for years. What they want to do is make it a federal law that you have to have ballot harvesting, same-day registration, [but] you can’t have voter I.D. laws. And basically they will make that the federal law. 


“It would be a federal takeover of our elections. It’s all designed simply for one reason: Democrats think they’ll win more elections if they can change the election laws in this country and have one election law for the whole country.”


On his Keep Kids in Schools Act


First, I want people to understand there are teachers and there are students that are not in school today across this country, not because they have COVID — because they’ve tested negative — but because someone they have been exposed to has COVID. 


“So now they’re telling them, ‘You have to wait five days or ten days.’ By the way, in many cases, even if you’re vaccinated. There are other school districts that have basically said, ‘If you’ve traveled over the last week, you’ve got to sit out for ten days.’ 


“My second point about my bill is very simple. We put federal money for school districts to be able to reopen. There are costs associated with reopening. Why do you need reopening money if you’re not open? [Or] if you’re not going to open? My bill basically says if you’re not reopening, you don’t get left over COVID relief money for reopening.”


On the Democrats’ failing agenda and the impact on the American people:


The failure is while they’re focused on this [federal takeover of elections], Joe Biden goes down to Georgia today and pretends it’s 1960 and the way he’s talking about American law, which is just ridiculous, there’s inflation. 


There’s runaway inflation in this country. You go to grocery stores now and there are entire shelves that are just completely empty. That’s getting worse now because you’ve got businesses [and] local police departments in this country telling people, ‘Don’t come into work if your child tested positive for COVID, even if you keep testing negative.’ 


“So you’ve got this workforce crisis in America, empty shelves, a supply chain problem that continues, and runaway inflation eating away at people’s money. And then on top of that, you’ve got the threat of China in the Pacific region and Russia on the verge of  invading Ukraine. You’ve got all these things going on in the world and instead of focusing on that, [Democrats] are out there giving speeches about a problem that doesn’t exist.”