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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox and Friends

Feb 11, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox and Friends to discuss impeachment, the Biden Administration’s plans for a potential travel ban to Florida, the Biden Administration’s backtracking on their plan to reopen schools, and more. See below for highlights and watch the video here.

On impeachment: 
“Well, they spent a lot of time yesterday convincing us of what I already knew and believed. And that is that the attack on January 6 was outrageous, criminal, deadly. It could have been far worse, I knew that as well. So, I don’t think there’s any dispute about that.
“The question is whether impeachment, which is designed clearly to remove someone from office, is the appropriate thing to do when someone’s no longer in office. And my answer to that is no. I don’t think there’s any debate about what happened on January 6, being horrible — horrible, horrifying, and unacceptable.”
On the Biden administration’s plans for a potential travel ban to Florida: 
“Here’s what I do know, and that is that the day after Donald Trump issued a travel ban on China, Joe Biden said that this is no time for his xenophobia and that sort of thing. “And then a month later, he actually tweeted out that banning travel from anywhere did not work.
“So, to now read that they’re considering actual restrictions on Americans inside the country, I think, is unconstitutional, I think is going to be challenged in court successfully. But I think it also gives you some insight into who we’re dealing with here, hypocrites.
“There’s been a double standard here the whole time, even to this day in terms of vaccine distribution, the death rate, the hospitalization rate, the infection rate per thousand, per hundred thousand.
“Florida’s exceeded all of these things, but you don’t read or hear about that.”
On the Biden administration walking back plans to reopen schools: 
“Well, that’s called moving the goal post, right? So number one, he doesn’t control the schools. So what — the most he can do is put pressure on school districts and states to open.
“But to do that, he has to take on the teachers union, which is a core part of his support base, so he doesn’t want to do it. So, what they did is they said, go out and find what most school districts are already doing, a goal that’s already been met and say that’s the goal so we can claim victory and say we did what we said.
“They’ve just redefined what opening schools means. They’ve defined it as something that’s virtually already happening so that they claim they did it. That’s all this is. It’s a game.
“And if there were honest people covering it out there, besides you guys, of course, if there were honest people covering it, they would call it for what it is, but we’re not going to see that.”
On the Dallas Mavericks’ suspension of the national anthem before games:
“Look, the overwhelming majority of people in this country are not offended by the national anthem. They’re not. It’s been a part of tradition in sports in this country forever. 
“And I would just say, look, fine. Don’t play the national anthem, but then don’t accept American dollars either. But that’s, you know, how they make their money. So they make their money in this country, they avail themselves of the laws of this country. They certainly go to court on contractual matters. You know, all their contracts are based on American law. They hire police officers to provide security for their facility. They avail themselves of all the benefits of America but the national anthem is offensive somehow, the symbol of our country.
“So, look, I’m glad they’re playing it… This is all just stupid woke stuff.”
On the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Super Bowl victory: 
“Obviously, you know, I’m very happy the Bucs won, not only because it’s a Florida team but because I got some free barbecue from my colleagues from Missouri and Kansas.

“Look, I think the Super Bowl should be in Florida at least every other year. If that game had been played anywhere else in this country, there would’ve been no one in the stands. No one. So, I’m glad it was played in Florida.”