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Rubio, Cardin Applaud Senate Passage of USCIRF

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, is a bipartisan commission that monitors and reports on international religious freedom. The commission’s authorization is currently...

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ICYMI: Rubio in WSJ: Government Child Allowance is the First Step Toward a Universal Basic Income

Oct 1, 2021 | Press Releases

Letter to the Editor: Marco Rubio: Government Child Allowance is the First Step Toward a Universal Basic Income
Sen. Marco Rubio
September 28, 2021
Wall Street Journal
There is no doubt that the Biden administration’s new government child allowance is the first step toward a universal basic income. … 
In February I warned that President Biden’s plan was “not pro-family policy” because it rejected the “bipartisan consensus that work, marriage, and community were critical pieces of poverty reduction.” In these pages I wrote that the “Biden administration’s new child allowance is wealth redistribution and the first step toward a universal basic income, because it includes no work requirement” (“Child Tax Credit Lets Parents Keep Their Own Money,” Letters,, Aug. 13).
Giving hardworking moms and dads a bigger tax break is common sense. It is why I worked with Sen. Mike Lee and Ivanka Trump in 2017 to double the size of the child tax credit for working families. It is why all my Republican colleagues in the Senate voted earlier this year to expand the credit even further for those who are working.
Democrats understand the popularity of our plan. It is why they hide welfare payments to those who aren’t working behind “tax cut for working families” rhetoric. They are pushing an agenda to radically remake America, and yet the editorial page takes shots at conservative, pro-work, pro-family policy. Letting working parents keep more of their money is not a threat to America. It is time to focus on what actually matters.
Read the rest.