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ICYMI: Rubio Discusses Obama’s Failed Policies, Restoring The American Dream

Oct 3, 2014 | Press Releases

Rubio: “This should also be an American century. This 21st century is an exciting time. We are not taking full advantage of all of the opportunities of this new era, and a lot of that is because of flawed policies of big government that this President and his allies in the Senate have pursued.”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
FOX News’ “FOX & Friends”
October 3, 2014

FOX News’ Brian Kilmeade: “Do you think the President has got a strong case? After all, unemployment is down, revenue is up. He feels ObamaCare is popular. Do you think the President has got a strong case?”

Senator Marco Rubio: “Well, let me tell you why I know he doesn’t have a strong case. None of these candidates are campaigning with him. If in fact his policies were working out so well, they’d all want him to come into their states and campaign with them. And in fact, they either don’t want him to come, or when he comes to their states, they all-out avoid him. Why aren’t they campaigning on these things? Why aren’t they bragging about ObamaCare in their ads? Instead, they want their campaigns to be about all sorts of other issues.

“Look, here is the bottom line. This country is not doing as well as it should be doing. This new century, should be an American century. This is a country right now that should be creating millions of jobs. We shouldn’t have to be forcing companies to stay here in this country, and a lot of them are now leaving because of our tax code and so forth. We’re in a position where we are not fulfilling our potential as a nation or as a people. This should also be an American century. This 21st century is an exciting time. We are not taking full advantage of all of the opportunities of this new era, and a lot of that is because of flawed policies of big government that this President and his allies in the Senate have pursued.”