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ICYMI: Rubio Demands More Attention to Crisis in Haiti

Jun 21, 2022 | Press Releases

Haiti is on the verge of collapse. Biden must give the island the attention it deserves.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
June 17, 2022
Miami Herald

At this month’s Summit of the Americas, nations rallied together in pursuit of a stronger, safer Western Hemisphere. But one neighbor—Haiti—is on the verge of total collapse. Unless the Biden administration acts soon, the nice words and declarations of the summit will be eclipsed by a humanitarian disaster….

Haiti’s national economy is the smallest in the region and will grow by only 0.3% this fiscal year, but it faces 25% inflation. Mortality rates remain extraordinarily high, for both babies and adults. Meanwhile, out-of-control gang violence destroys communities, forces businesses to close and scares off foreign investment. And on top of all that, Haiti’s interim government hangs by a thread….

President Biden and his administration have not given the situation the attention it deserves. USAID’s recently announced funding package looks good on the surface, but none of that money will make a dent unless larger problems are addressed. If Biden wants what’s best for the United States—and Haiti—he can no longer afford to stay on the sidelines. Rather, he must get on the field and start playing ball.

That means [strengthening] Haiti’s National Police in the fight against criminal gangs. It means being open to a renewed U.N. peacekeeping mission. It means expanding the Inter-American Development Bank’s investment in Haitian infrastructure. And it means building closer economic ties between our country and Haiti….

All the while, the president must signal that the United States is not open for illegal immigration. Encouraging another exodus from Haiti would not help the island, which needs all the talent and resources it can get, nor would it help American citizens…. 

Read the rest here.