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Blame Biden for the Border Crisis

Jan 26, 2024 | Featured, Press Releases

President Joe Biden blames [the border crisis] on Republicans in Congress…. [But] the greatest factor driving the border crisis is President Biden himself…. Just look at all the actions that led us to this point.

Blame Biden for U.S. Border Crisis

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

January 26, 2024

Miami Herald

…President Joe Biden blames [the border crisis] on Republicans in Congress…. [But] the greatest factor driving the border crisis is President Biden himself…. Just look at all the actions that led us to this point.

The first was Joe Biden’s rhetoric on the campaign trail. In 2020, Biden said: “What I would do as president is…immediately surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.” Before the election even took place, illegal immigration began to rise.

Then, within days of his inauguration, President Biden placed a 100-day moratorium on deportations, halted construction of the border wall, dismantled Remain in Mexico, and ended the Asylum Cooperative Agreements…. The result was a doubling of border patrol encounters in little more than a month….

In 2022, news broke that the White House was releasing single adult males in mass. The president also announced that he would end the use of Title 42…. December 2022 saw border encounters top 250,000—at that time, the highest number ever recorded….

[In 2023, the administration] unilaterally expanded parole authority, creating new, quasi-legal pathways for more than one million people from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, and elsewhere to enter the United States. Finally, the administration released millions more immigrants into our country under minimal scrutiny—and in complete violation of federal law….

There’s much talk about an immigration “deal,” but that talk is currently unrealistic…. President Biden gives no indication of being serious, and there is no reason to think that will change if Congress passes another law.

Read the rest here.