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ICYMI: China’s TikTok Pushes Pro-Hamas Propaganda

Nov 10, 2023 | Featured, Press Releases

Pro-Hamas TikTok Videos Hint at Broader Chinese Influence Campaign

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

November 10, 2023

The Washington Examiner

While wars are still being fought from trenches and tunnels, wartime influence campaigns are dramatically different. Here in the United States, we have given our chief global adversary unrestricted access to manipulate public opinion. And the results are entirely predictable. Torrents of pro-Hamas, anti-Israel content now flood TikTok. 

We made a “big mistake” not banning the popular social media platform when we had a chance. The Marxist bias on TikTok reflects more than left-wing thought among millennials and Generation Z. It reflects the app’s subservience to the world’s most powerful Marxist regime––the Chinese Communist Party. …

In this war, Beijing’s number one enemy is the United States. General Secretary Xi Jinping is explicit that he wants the CCP to be the “gravedigger of capitalism,” and he holds fast to Mao Zedong’s admonition for China to “overtake” America as the most powerful country in the world.” There is no excuse for being blind to this reality, which no one in the East or the West is trying to hide.

So why are we doing so little about it? …

Even as the Biden administration cracks down on some technology transfers to China, we need to have greater clarity about the threats that we face. The Chinese Communist Party has embarked on a whole-of-society effort to manipulate the internet in its favor and to our detriment. Attempting to counter this effort is neither histrionic nor anti-free speech, as TikTok’s apologists claim. It’s a patriotic response to an adversary’s sustained assault on our freedoms. This is an existential threat to our nation.

Patriotism is a value that used to be familiar to all Americans. It seems to have been forgotten. But what has been forgotten can be relearned, and on this occasion, we all have a duty to try. Otherwise, we will cede control over countless world events––and truth itself, as far as digital media is concerned––to a genocidal regime that hates America. That is something which I hope no American is willing to tolerate.

Read the rest here.