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Helping Our Veterans Seek Higher Education

Sep 29, 2016 | Blog

Helping Our Veterans Seek Higher Education

By Marco Rubio

On Monday, September 19, 2016, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Expiring Authorities Act (H.R. 5985), by a vote of 89-0. 

I was proud to vote in support of this legislation – which the president signed into law today – because, among other things, it allows the VA secretary to continue paying GI Bill education benefits to student veterans for up to 18 months after their school’s accreditor loses federal recognition.  

In recent years, we’ve seen the negative impact on our veterans when the colleges they are attending go out of business or lose their accreditation. This problem has affected hundreds of veterans in Florida, and many more throughout the country, who have seen their studies halted from one day to the next. 

Just this month the closure of one such school, ITT Tech, left at least 688 student veterans in Florida and almost 7,000 nationwide out of school. Many of these students came to our office seeking assistance, and unfortunately, our options in assisting them were limited. Until now. 

This new law will now provide some relief to these veterans by allowing them to continue receiving their education benefits, including a living allowance, while they look for another VA-accredited school or university to attend. I was proud to support it.