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Guantanamo Bay: Obama reiterates call to close prison in final plan to Congress

Feb 26, 2016 | News

A final plan by Barack Obama to fulfill his pledge to close Guantánamo Bay – functionally identical to what he has already proposed – has already run into heavy political opposition, underscoring the likelihood Guantánamo will remain a detention facility after Obama leaves office.
The plan, released on Tuesday in accordance with a congressional request, reiterates previous administration insistences on closing Guantánamo rather than proposing a long-elusive new option with the chance of breaking through more than seven years of GOP refusal on Capitol Hill.

Along with intelligence committee chairman Richard Burr, Ayotte and Cotton have already introduced a bill to keep Guantánamo from transference back to Cuba as part of geopolitical rapprochement. On Tuesday, Marco Rubio… endorsed the bill.
“We simply cannot hand over this critical base, especially not as the end result of President Obama’s dangerous plan to release terrorists back into the battlefield or bring them to US soil,” said Rubio, who is Cuban-American.

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