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Following House Passage Of VA Accountability Measure, Rubio Urges Senate Action

Jul 29, 2015 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Accountability Act of 2015, which Rubio is the lead sponsor of in the Senate:
“I applaud the House for passing this commonsense reform to end the culture of incompetence at the VA and provide our veterans with the medical care they deserve. I am especially grateful for the efforts of House VA Committee Chairman Jeff Miller in getting this accountability bill passed with bipartisan support. I strongly urge my colleagues in the Senate to follow suit and quickly pass this measure. And I urge the president to drop his veto threat and start holding people accountable for failing our veterans.
“Last year we were able to enact a law to give the VA secretary the authority to terminate or demote senior managers based on bad performance. But with only a handful of employees fired since that time and veterans facing even longer wait times for care, it is clear that additional accountability measures are needed and more pressure needs to be put on the Obama Administration to stop dragging its feet on implementing these important reforms that affect our veterans.”
The “Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability Act of 2015” was introduced by Rubio earlier this year and would give the VA secretary the authority to terminate any employees for performance-related issues, not just managers.