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Following Death Of Another Borinqueneer, Rubio Again Urges Obama To Expedite Congressional Gold Medal

Mar 2, 2015 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the death of Antonio Ramos Oyola, a veteran of the Army’s 65th Infantry Regiment, also known as the Borinqueneers:

“Last Tuesday, I urged President Obama to expedite the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to the Borinqueneers, an Army unit that fought in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. Since signing the law awarding this medal last year, several Borinqueneers have died, including four in Florida. Sadly, shortly after I called on the President to move quickly, we were again reminded of why time is truly of the essence here when another Borinqueneer passed away before receiving his medal.

“Antonio Ramos Oyola, a Borinqueneer veteran, recently passed away last Tuesday evening at the VA hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and we send his family our condolences and thank them for their service to the United States, including his son who lives in Florida.

“While Antonio lived a full life, unfortunately, he did not live to receive his Congressional Gold Medal. I urge the President to do everything he can to make sure every Borinqueneer alive today receives his Congressional Gold Medal as soon as possible.”