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English/Español: Rubio Urges FCC to Deny Application for U.S.-Cuba Subsea Cable Run by Cuban Regime

Dec 14, 2022 | Press Releases

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is reviewing an application to construct a subsea cable connecting the United States and Cuba. One of its critical components, a cable-landing system, would be owned and controlled by the Cuban regime’s state-owned telecommunications monopoly, ETECSA. This would provide the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime a dangerous opportunity to destabilize U.S. national security and critical infrastructure while hampering efforts to provide free and uncensored internet for the Cuban people.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel urging her to deny the application for the undersea cable. 

  • “Establishing a U.S.-Cuba undersea cable connection would provide the repressive, communist regime in Cuba a significant conduit for espionage and intelligence activities against the U.S.” 

  • “The Cuban regime’s relationship with near peer adversaries, such as the Chinese Communist Party and the Putin regime, should make approval of this deal a nonstarter… [T]he nature of the undersea cables could allow ETECSA to redirect traffic not intended for Cuban networks to be ‘re-routed over this cable into Cuban territory and the Cuban government’s hands,’ eventually to be shared with Beijing and Moscow.” 

  • “The long-suffering Cuban people deserve free, unfettered internet access with the rest of the world. However, this proposal would backfire, further enabling espionage activities by the communist regime. Any effort to promote internet freedom for the people of Cuba must not embolden the Cuban regime’s counterintelligence operations.” 

Looking forward… Rubio will continue to advocate for free, unfettered access for the Cuban people via his PATRIA Y VIDA Act, which would build a strategy to protect internet freedom worldwide and strengthen support for technologies that allow users to evade foreign government-backed censorship and restrictions.  
Want more information? Read the full text of the letter here.


La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC, por sus siglas en inglés) está revisando una solicitud para construir un cable submarino que conecte a EE.UU. y Cuba. Uno de sus componentes críticos, un sistema de cableado, sería propiedad y estaría bajo el control del monopolio estatal de telecomunicaciones del régimen cubano, ETECSA. Esto le brindaría al régimen de Castro y Díaz-Canel una peligrosa oportunidad para desestabilizar la seguridad nacional de EE.UU. y la infraestructura crítica de EE.UU. al tiempo que obstaculiza los esfuerzos para proporcionar Internet gratuito y sin censura al pueblo cubano.
El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) le envió una carta a la presidenta de la FCC, Jessica Rosenworcel, instándola a rechazar la solicitud del cable submarino. 

  • “Establecer una conexión de cable submarino entre EE.UU. y Cuba le proporcionaría al régimen comunista represor de Cuba un conducto importante para actividades de espionaje e inteligencia contra EE.UU.” 

Mirando hacia el futuro… Rubio continuará abogando por el acceso libre y sin restricciones al internet en Cuba a través de su Ley PATRIA Y VIDA. Esa legislación construiría una estrategia para proteger la libertad de Internet a nivel mundial y fortalecería el apoyo a las tecnologías que permiten a los usuarios evadir la censura respaldada por gobiernos extranjero. 
¿Quieres más información? Lea el texto de la carta en inglés aquí.