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English/Español: Rubio, Scott Lead Entire Florida Delegation in Urging President to Declare Major Disaster Declaration

Sep 28, 2022 | Press Releases

Hurricane Ian made landfall near Cayo Costa, Florida as a Category 4 major hurricane, resulting in ongoing, catastrophic damage and life-threatening conditions in the southwestern part of the state. As it continues across the peninsula, the storm is expected to cause extreme storm surge, damaging winds, widespread rainfall, power outages, and other severe damage throughout Florida.
U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) and the entire Florida delegation sent a letter to President Joe Biden in support of Governor Ron DeSantis’ request to approve a Major Disaster Declaration in response to the historic hurricane. 
The full text of the letter is below. 
Dear Mr. President:

We write in support of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ request for a Major Disaster Declaration due to Hurricane Ian, which is currently causing catastrophic conditions as a Category 4 major hurricane. Hurricane Ian’s historic size, sustained winds and dangerously slow pace, which stand to affect virtually the entire state, will produce significant flooding, massive power outages and widespread damage throughout Florida. As such, we request that you promptly approve Governor DeSantis’ request for a Major Disaster Declaration for all of Florida’s 67 counties.
This historic hurricane will continue to impact the state for some time, and the full extent of damage will not be known for days. However, approving this declaration request will allow Floridians to be better prepared for the recovery phase. As such, we urge you to approve the State of Florida’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration, which will provide the assistance necessary for our constituents to recover and rebuild. 

Floridians are incredibly resilient, and with cooperation at all levels of government, we will rebuild stronger than ever. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
More on Hurricane Ian… 



El huracán Ian tocó tierra cerca de Cayo Costa, Florida, como un huracán de categoría 4, lo que provocó daños catastróficos continuos y condiciones potencialmente letales en la parte suroeste del estado. A medida que este huracán avanza por la península, se espera que la tormenta cause marejadas ciclónicas extremas, vientos dañinos, lluvias generalizadas, cortes de energía y otros daños graves en todo el estado de Florida.   
Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Rick Scott (R-FL) acompañados por toda la delegación de Florida enviaron una carta al presidente Joe Biden en apoyo a la solicitud del gobernador Ron DeSantis de aprobar una declaración de desastre mayor en respuesta a este huracán.
El texto completo de la carta en inglés está aquí.
Más sobre el Huracán Ian…