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English/ Español: Rubio, Scott Commemorate Anniversary of Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Attack

Jun 12, 2023 | Press Releases

On June 12, 2016, 49 innocent lives were lost in a terror attack at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) introduced a resolution recognizing the seven year anniversary of the terror attack and honoring the 49 innocent lives lost in this senseless tragedy. This resolution passed the Senate unanimously.

  • “Seven years ago, our community was shaken to its core by the tragic terrorist attack at Pulse nightclub. The 49 victims of this senseless act of violence were more than numbers. They were sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors. They were members of our community, and they will never be forgotten. In the midst of the chaos and heartbreak, we saw the best of humanity as we came together to support each other and honor the victims. My prayers remain with the families and friends of those who were lost. We will never forget them.”– Senator Rubio
  • “It was seven years ago today that we lost 49 innocent lives in an attack on the city of Orlando, our Hispanic community and our LGBTQ community in an act of evil terrorism. I will always remember that day and the weeks after, spending time in Orlando talking to loved ones of those lost, going to funerals and wakes, sitting in hospital rooms and listening to the stories of heartbreak and grief. But this act of evil, meant to break us and spread hate into the world, had the opposite effect for the people of Orlando and the state of Florida. Instead, it brought us together with endless acts of unity, love and hope by our first responders, community leaders, Floridians and people from across the world. Today, we honor the memory of those 49 innocent lives and renew our steadfast commitment to fight against the evil and hate that took them from us.”– Senator Scott

The text of the resolution is here


El 12 de junio del 2016, 49 vidas inocentes fallecieron tras un ataque terrorista en el club nocturno Pulse en Orlando, Florida.

Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Rick Scott (R-FL) presentaron una resolución que reconoce el séptimo aniversario del ataque terrorista y honra a las 49 vidas inocentes perdidas en esta tragedia sin sentido. Esta resolución fue aprobada por unanimidad en el Senado de EE.UU.

“Hace siete años, nuestra comunidad fue sacudida por el trágico ataque terrorista en el club nocturno Pulse. Las 49 víctimas de este acto de violencia sin sentido fueron más que solo números. Eran hijos, hijas, hermanos, hermanas, amigos y vecinos. Eran miembros de nuestra comunidad y nunca serán olvidados. En medio del caos y la angustia, vimos lo mejor de la humanidad cuando nos unimos para apoyarnos unos a otros y honrar a las víctimas. Mis oraciones permanecen con las familias y amigos de aquellos que trágicamente fallecieron. Nunca los olvidaremos.”– Senador Rubio

El texto de la resolución en inglés está aquí