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English/ Español: Rubio Joins Menendez And Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Reaffirming U.S.-Ecuador Partnership

Jun 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Miami, FL — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tim Kaine (D-VA), and Ted Cruz (R-TX) in introducing a bipartisan Senate resolution reaffirming the partnership between the United States and the Republic of Ecuador. The bipartisan resolution recognizes the restoration and advancement of economic relations, security, and development opportunities in both nations.

“As our hemisphere continues to face threats from undemocratic regimes who undermine democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, I’m proud to join this bipartisan resolution that reaffirms the long-standing commitment to our bilateral relationship with Ecuador,” Rubio said. “Under the Moreno administration, Ecuador has renewed and advanced our important regional alliance through economic and security initiatives.” 

“Over the past three years, there has been a unique opportunity to improve the bilateral relationship between the United States and Ecuador—a relationship that was marked by unfortunate tensions in the decade prior,” Menendez said . “I’m proud to introduce this resolution recognizing the restoration and advancement of the bilateral relationship as it relates to economic, security and development opportunities. My home state of New Jersey has a vibrant Ecuadorian community and I’m committed to continue working with President Moreno and the Ecuadorian government to address the challenges our nations face.”

“President Moreno’s government has taken significant steps to promote democratic values and to improve the economic and security conditions in Ecuador,” Risch said . “As Ecuadorians continue to experience the negative effects of regional instability provoked by the Maduro regime in Venezuela and China’s debt diplomacy, I am glad to introduce this resolution to reaffirm and strengthen our bilateral relationship with Ecuador. By working together, we will be able to create a more secure and prosperous future for our nations.”

“The introduction of this historic, bipartisan resolution is a symbol of the renewed strength of the U.S.-Ecuador relationship,” Kaine said. “I commend President Moreno’s efforts to bolster democratic institutions in Ecuador and look forward to supporting the continued growth of this important bilateral relationship.”

Rubio is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues.

The full text of the resolution is here.



Miami, FL — El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) se unió a los senadores Bob Menéndez (D-NJ), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tim Kaine (D-VA), y Ted Cruz (R-TX) presentaron una resolución en el Senado para reafirmar la relación bilateral entre los Estados Unidos y la República del Ecuador. La resolución bipartidista reconoce la restauración y el avance de las relaciones económicas, la seguridad y las oportunidades de desarrollo en ambas naciones.

“A medida que nuestro hemisferio continúa enfrentando amenazas de regímenes que socavan la democracia, los derechos humanos y el estado de derecho, me enorgullece unirme a esta resolución bipartidista que reafirma el compromiso de nuestra gran relación bilateral con Ecuador,” Rubio dijo. “Bajo la administración del presidente Moreno, Ecuador ha renovado y avanzado nuestra importante alianza regional a través de iniciativas económicas y de seguridad.”

“En los últimos tres años, hemos tenido una oportunidad única para reforzar los lazos entre los Estados Unidos y Ecuador, después de una década desafortunadamente  marcada por tensiones en nuestra relación ,” Menéndez dijo. “Me enorgullece presentar esta resolución que reconoce la restauración y el avance de la relación bilateral en lo que respecta a las oportunidades económicas, de seguridad y de desarrollo. Mi estado, Nueva Jersey, tiene una vibrante comunidad  Ecuatoriana y estoy comprometido a seguir trabajando A mano estrecha con el presidente Moreno y el gobierno ecuatoriano para abordar los desafíos que enfrentan nuestras naciones.”

Rubio es el Presidente del Subcomité de Relaciones Exteriores para el Hemisferio Occidental, Delincuencia Transnacional, Seguridad Civil, Democracia, Derechos Humanos y Asuntos Globales de la Mujer. 

El texto completo de la resolución está aquí