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English/ Español: Rubio: Biden’s Florida Travel Ban Is Outrageous, Authoritarian

Feb 10, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling recent reports that the Biden Administration plans to restrict travel to and from Florida “an outrageous, authoritarian move that has no basis in law or science.”

“Instituting a travel ban, or any restriction of movement between the states, would be an outrageous, authoritarian move that has no basis in law or science. Instead, it would only serve to inflict severe and devastating economic pain on an already damaged economy,” Rubio wrote. “If you are concerned about the coronavirus spread in Florida, I urge you to fast track additional vaccines to the state instead of attempting to cripple our economy.” 

The full text of the letter is below. 

Dear Mr. President:

I write with regard to recent reporting that your administration is considering implementing travel restrictions to my home State of Florida.  I cannot underscore enough how reckless and economically harmful this would be to my state and the country as a whole.

Instituting a travel ban, or any restriction of movement between the states, would be an outrageous, authoritarian move that has no basis in law or science.  Instead, it would only serve to inflict severe and devastating economic pain on an already damaged economy.  While we are all concerned that the pandemic continues to take a toll on our friends, family and communities, forbidding Americans from traveling across state lines will not force any strain of COVID-19 to cease.  It would instead starve Florida’s businesses of much needed tourism dollars, keep family and friends apart, and set an unprecedented use of power on the American people. 

Instead of dictating where Americans can, or cannot travel, your administration should instead focus on increasing supply and availability of vaccines, especially to Florida, the third most populous state and a winter retreat.  I have already requested an increase of vaccines be allocated because of the numerous non-Floridians seeking inoculations.  If you are concerned about the coronavirus spread in Florida, I urge you to fast track additional vaccines to the state instead of attempting to cripple our economy. 

I urge you to make clear to the American people that your administration will not pursue these reported draconian travel restrictions, and instead focus your efforts on increasing the supply of vaccines.  I look forward to working with you on this regard. 

Thank you for your attention.



Washington, D.C. — El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) le envió una carta al presidente Joe Biden tildando los recientes informes que la Administración Biden planea restringir los viajes desde y hacia la Florida como “una movida escandalosa y autoritaria que no tiene base legal ni científica”.

“Instituir una prohibición de viaje, o cualquier restricción de movimiento entre los estados, sería una movida autoritaria y escandalosa que no tiene ni base legal ni científica. En cambio, sólo serviría para infligir un gran y devastador dolor económico a una economía ya dañada ”, Rubio escribió. “Si le preocupa la propagación del coronavirus en la Florida, le insto a que acelere el envío de vacunas adicionales al estado en lugar de intentar paralizar nuestra economía”.

El texto completo de la carta en inglés está aquí.