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During Tour of Fort Myers Technical College, Rubio Stresses Importance of Vocational Training Programs in the 21st Century Economy

May 18, 2018 | Press Releases

Fort Myers, FL— U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today visited Fort Myers Technical College and met with members of Team Invictus, the Fort Myers High School robotics team and the first robotics team from Lee County to reach the world competition in Houston, Texas. During the visit, Senator Rubio stressed the importance of vocational training as a vital part of ensuring American workers are learning the skills required for jobs in the 21st century economy.
“I enjoyed touring Fort Myers Technical College, and it was an honor to meet Team Invictus,” said Senator Rubio. “I was particularly impressed with the fact that the Lee County School District is graduating close to half its students every year certified in a trade or career and ready to work. Career and technical education must become easier to access and widely available if we are to both close our current skills gap and empower Americans with the opportunity to get a 21st century career.”
Photos courtesy of Senator Rubio’s office: