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Cuban Independence Day

May 20, 2016 | Blog

As we mark the 114th anniversary of Cuban Independence, we must not forget the hardships the people of Cuba continue to face every day under Castro’s repressive regime. After 114 years of being an independent nation, Cuba continues to lack the qualities that most sovereign nations share. Throughout its rule, the Castro regime has oppressed its people in unimaginable ways. Families have been destroyed, human rights activists have been beaten in the streets and jailed, and censorship remains a defining part of society.

The only tangible form of independence for the Cuban people is freedom and democracy, and it is our duty to reassert our commitment to helping them overcome decades of oppression and achieve liberty. I also call on the international community to join America in urging that Cuba hold free, fair and transparent elections, release all political prisoners, and protect fundamental freedoms.

This past year, we’ve seen our own president turn his back on American values and embrace the dictatorial regime that deprives the Cuban people of freedom. These actions from the administration must not blind America to the harsh realities that are taking place on the island of Cuba. Before President Obama’s trip to Cuba in early March, over 300 Cuban dissidents were beaten and arrested nationwide, including members of the Ladies in White, and human rights activists calling for the release of political prisoners.

America cannot stand idly by as cruel and immoral crimes are committed against the people of Cuba on a daily basis. After over 50 years of the Castros’ rule, we must never lose an opportunity to remind the world of their failed leadership and government. Despite President Obama’s disgraceful embrace of the Cuban government, we must fight for the people of Cuba to ensure they are granted the freedom they deserve.