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Constituent Corner

Jan 30, 2012 | Blog

In this week’s installment of Marco’s Constituent Mail Box video series, Marco responds to letters about the PROTECT IP Act and SOPA sent by two constituents that reflect the diverse opinions expressed in the thousands of letters received.

Atlantic Beach constituent Jessica wrote expressing her discontent with the PROTECT IP Act. Alexandra, a songwriter from Wellington, wrote in support of SOPA, the house version of the PROTECT IP Act. Watch Marco’s responses here.

This week, Marco’s staff was able to successfully resolve a casework issue for small business owner and Orange county constituent, Dario. Dario applied with the Department of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) for approval of three wine labels so that his company could import and sell wine from Argentina. A member of Marco’s staff contacted the Treasury Department to streamline the process and all the labels were approved. Dario’s company now imports and sells the wine in the United States.