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Co-Sponsored Legislation

Feb 10, 2012 | Blog

This week, Senator Rubio co-sponsored four bills.

  • Senator Rubio joined 34 of his colleagues as a cosponsor of S.412, a bill to ensure that amounts credited to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are used for harbor maintenance.
  • Senator Rubio joined 13 of his colleagues as a cosponsor of S.1884, a bill that provides states with incentives to require elementary schools and secondary schools to maintain, and permit school personnel to administer, epinephrine at schools.
  • Senator Rubio also joined Senator Joe Manchin (WV) as a co-sponsor of S.2092, a bill to amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to provide conscience protections for individuals and organizations.
  • Senator Rubio and Senator Casey (PA) introduced S.Res.370, a resolution calling for democratic change in Syria.