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Chairman Rubio Applauds Trump Administration’s Executive Orders on Increasing Transparency in Bureaucratic Regulatory Processes

Oct 10, 2019 | Press Releases

Miami, FL U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship, issued the following statement regarding two Executive Orders issued by the Trump Administration aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability among federal agencies rulemaking and guidance policies. It also requires agencies to report on their compliance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act (SBREFA), ensuring small businesses feedback is taken into account. 
“A critical priority for me as Chairman is giving small businesses a voice in the regulatory process,” Rubio said. “I commend the Administration’s commitment to holding federal agencies accountable by requiring them to listen to input by businesses and individuals, as well as modernizing online documents for the public. My bill to reauthorize the Small Business Act will build on these needed reforms by requiring agencies to take a harder look at how proposed rules can severely impact small businesses. We need to give small businesses a greater voice in the bureaucracy in Washington, and I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join me in advancing these sensible, common-sense reforms that will protect entrepreneurs from federal overreach that affects their ability to hire more workers and grow their businesses.”