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Asteroid Property Rights Bill on its way to the President’s Desk for Signature into Law

Dec 4, 2015 | News

Planetary Resources has a lot to celebrate today as a historic piece of legislation is on its way to be signed into law.
H.R. 2262 recognizes the right of U.S. citizens to own asteroid resources they obtain in space, and we at Planetary Resources commend the members of Congress who promoted the historic legislation.
Last week the Senate passed this landmark bill and today the House of Representatives has voted in favor of the legislation. The bill will now go to the President to be signed into law.
This critical legislation creates a pro-growth environment for the development of the commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and ensuring a more stable and predictable regulatory regime. This law is important for the industry and is integral to protecting and supporting U.S. interests as the commercial space sector continues to expand.
Some of the main supporters of the bill in Washington DC shared their excitement with us as well:
Marco Rubio (R-FL) said, “Throughout our entire economy, we need to eliminate unnecessary regulations that cost too much and make it harder for American innovators to create jobs,” Rubio said. “The reforms included here make it easier for our innovators to return Americans to suborbital space and will help the American space industry continue pushing further into space than ever before. I’m proud the final bill includes proposals I had previously introduced in the Senate, including one related to commercial recovery of space resources. This bill is an important win for Florida’s space coast and the entire space exploration community.”

Keep reading here.