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Rubio Habla con Telemundo Miami

El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) habló en exclusiva con Gloria Ordaz de Telemundo Miami sobre el segundo intento de asesinato contra el ex-presidente Donald Trump.  Una transcripción de cortesía, levemente editada está a continuación. Vea la...

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Rubio Comments On President Obama’s Net Neutrality Announcement

Nov 10, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s call for increased Internet regulation:

“The Internet is one of the greatest economic stories in all of history, one whose openness has given people unprecedented opportunities to innovate and create jobs. President Obama’s announced support for more government regulation of the Internet threatens to restrict Internet growth and increase costs on Internet users. Furthermore, applying heavy-handed Title II classification to Internet service sends the wrong message to international stakeholders that look to the United States for leadership in Internet governance, and undermines our support for an open Internet, free of government intervention.

“Instead of reclassifying Internet service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, the FCC should allow Congress to update this law. I believe it should be a top priority of the new Congress to provide clarity on the FCC’s role in the modern communications landscape.”