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Rubio Comments On Pope’s Address To Congress

Sep 24, 2015 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following video statement regarding Pope Francis’s address to a joint meeting of Congress:
View Rubio’s remarks here.
For TV stations interested in airing a broadcast quality version of Rubio’s statement, a download is available here.
Full transcript of Rubio’s statement is available below:
“Today’s speech was an inspiring moment, to be there and witness the Pope’s speech before Congress. I was moved by the Pope’s message and by the sight of him standing in front of the U.S. flag with the words ‘In God We Trust’ engraved in the wall behind him. The Pope today, reminded us of the faith our nation has placed in God since its very founding, and why we should have a lot of faith in America’s future.
“At a time when so many of our people are gripped with uncertainty about the future, the Pope reminded us that America has a special calling as a nation that is guided by high ideals and the moral aims to build a more perfect union and to make the world a better place. He reminded us that, whatever our policy differences might be, we are all called to put the good of our people above all.”