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Rubio Supports Trump Strategy For Iran, Has Concerns Flawed Deal Can Be Fixed

Oct 13, 2017 | Comunicados de Prensa

Tampa, FL—U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement in support of President Trump’s new strategy on Iran:

“President Trump made the right decision to decertify the Obama Administration’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran (JCPOA). He is correct in finding that this deal is not in our national interest. 

“I know the White House has been working hard to craft a new law to fix the Iran deal, and I appreciate them and Chairman Corker seeking my input. I will reserve judgment until actual legislation is presented. But I have serious doubts about whether it is even possible to fix such a dangerously flawed agreement. 

“Ultimately, leaving the nuclear deal, reimposing suspended sanctions, and having the president impose additional sanctions would serve our national interest better than a decertified deal that leaves sanctions suspended or a new law that leaves major flaws in that agreement in place.”