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Rubio Earns “Defender Of Economic Freedom” Award From The Club For Growth

Feb 29, 2012 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – Club For Growth, a national grassroots organization committed to fiscal discipline and pro-growth policies, announced today that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) earned its Defender of Economic Freedom award based on its 2011 Congressional Scorecard. This puts Rubio among just 11 Senators and 34 Representatives to earn this award, in part for his votes to repeal President Obama’s job-killing health care law, to halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s burdensome regulations, against raising the debt limit in the absence of comprehensive fiscal reforms, and in favor of pro-growth trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia, among other key votes.

Following this announcement, Rubio said, “I ran for the U.S. Senate promising Floridians that I would stand up to Washington’s reckless spending and its assault on the free enterprise system. I made clear promises that I would support conservative alternatives to restore fiscal discipline and promote our free enterprise system, and I’m pleased that the groups entrusted with holding me and my colleagues accountable are validating my fulfillment of those promises.”

The Club For Growth is a network of thousands of pro-growth Americans, working to promote public policies that encourage a high growth economy and a swift return to America’s founding principles through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research, training and educational activity. Rubio’s full scorecard from the first session of the 112th Congress is available here. Rubio also earned an “A+” rating from Americans for Prosperity and is rated the second most conservative senator on the Heritage Action For America Scorecard.