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Rubio Visits Jordan to Evaluate Efforts Abroad

Mar 19, 2017 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence, concluded his visit to the Kingdom of Jordan this morning. Rubio is in the Middle East this weekend on an official visit conducting oversight of U.S. programs abroad. Prior to Jordan, he visited Lebanon‎.

On his official Facebook page this morning, Rubio issued the following statement: 

“It was an honor to return to the Kingdom of Jordan this weekend for my second official visit as senator. Jordan is one of our closest allies in the region, and we cooperate with them militarily in combating ISIS as well as dealing with the refugee crisis stemming from Syria’s civil war. Today, Jordan hosts the largest Syrian refugee camps in the world, and our support to them helps make this humanitarian response possible.

“Last year, I introduced the U.S.-Jordan Defense Cooperation‎ Act, which became law and provides support to Jordan in responding to the refugee crisis, combating ISIS and other terrorist groups, and helping mitigate the many challenges that exist along its borders with Syria and Iraq. As part of my visit to oversee U.S. programs in Jordan, I assessed the impact this law is having and what more can be done by the U.S. government to advance our interests in the region.

“Jordan’s strategic partnership with Israel is a key part of promoting greater stability in the region, and I appreciate their ongoing commitment to that relationship. I am also hopeful that our Jordanian allies will continue their path to reform and allow all Jordanians a greater voice in shaping their country’s future.

“In addition, I enjoyed meeting with the many Americans serving our nation in Jordan and thanking them for the work they do to advance U.S. interests, our strategic relationship, and security in the region.”